About Me

My photo
Hi. I"m living in the Northeast with my supportive hubby, 2 great girls and toddler son. I run a home based business around scrapbooking and rubber stamping and love everything about those crafts! I also work p/t as a Physician Assistant in Internal Medicine...back after a 10 year hiatus to take care of the kids--loving that, too!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New pictures...

Well, all this talk about my picture a day project made me start thinking that I should share some of the pictures I've taken this month. Of course, I have quite a few of Adam, so you can see how much he's grown. Just this week alone, he met Roberta's son, Zachary, for the first time, had a impromtu photo session in a new outfit and even had one of his cute smiles captured by Yasmeen on our camera finally. Hope you enjoy...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Project 365...

So did anyone get inspired to start their Project 365? I've miraculously been keeping on top of it and have just printed this week's batch of pictures. Needless to say, they are very Adam-centric, but can you blame me...he is the newest thing happening around here these days :-) It's not too late to get on the bandwagon. Even if you just take pictures and don't scrapbook (GASP!), it'll be such a treasure to look back on years from now.
As for the ease of making pages, well...the divided page protectors can be found at A.C. Moore and the downloads for the inserts are available for FREE at http://beckyhiggins.com/blog/ under FREE 365 Download on the right hand column. Here is a sample picture of what a layout will look like when it's done...so easy and fun to do! I'll post an example of mine soon...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Growing like a weed...

Hey Everyone,

Well, I just got back from Adam's 1 month appointment and he is doing great. He's currently 11 pounds 1 ounce, and gaining steady ground on the competition. He's doing all the things a healthy 1 month old should be doing and we are racing to keep up with him. Sleep still alludes us, but we must be getting used to it because we are only cranky for part of the day-LOL!

The girls are back in school and none too thrilled about it. Yasmeen's teacher leaves on the 13th for maternity leave and she's sad to see her go. Leena can't wait for the year to be over. She tells me almost every day she doesn't want to "leave" me and Adam to go off to school each day. So sweet, but considering all the schooling years she has ahead of her, I hope she changes her mind soon.

As for me, time seem to moving ahead at warp speed and staying still at the same time. In addition to f/t mommyhood, I have several upcoming projects that are looming in the near future. The first and most important is to take my recertification exam for my Physician Assistant certification sometime this year. I can't wing it, so that means taking time to prepare for the test AND get in my CME hours all at the same time. On another front, I've also been asked to consult for a local craft store that will be converting into a scrapbooking store over the next couple of months. Preparing for the grand re-opening will take yet another chunk of my time, but it's something I'm excited about. And if all that activity isn't enough, I've decided to take part in a fun exercise as part of my goals for 2009. It's called Project 365 and involves taking a picture a day for a year and arranging them into a time capsule of sorts in a scrapbook that will document the everyday moments in a year that may go unnoticed. Check out http://www.creatingkeepsakes.com/ for more info in this month's issue. I've even gotten my sister to join me in my journey. I'm sure in 10 years I'll look back at the year 2009 and be grateful that I documented all those little things that would otherwise surely be forgotten.

Well, I've gotten my scrapbooking mojo back and have been putting pictures into a few layouts that I had put together before Adam was born. Here you'll see his first pictures in the layout entitled "Welcome Adam". I've also started fooling around with Adobe Photoshop Elements and just love making photo collages (makes any precious scrapping time I might have much more productive).

Well, he's to another busy month...hope everyone has a productive and healthy 2009!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Well, we've started a new year and it's looking like it's going to be a great one. First and foremost, we have our baby boy home safely and that is something we have been looking forward to a long time. Today also happens to be his 1 month birthday--HOORAY for Adam! He is growing so quickly and has apparently surpassed the 10+ pound mark already and he isn't due for another weight check for a few more days. Check out his photo shoot from just today below!!

This year, we went over to Aileen's house on NYE as usual, but between the baby and the girls fighting off colds, we couldn't make it to midnight for the traditional run outside and noisemaking fest we usually take part in. Nevertheless, when we got home, we did manage to stay awake until midnight to see the ball drop and even took our first family of five "portrait" (even if it was in our pj's).

Mohammed and the girls have been home for almost 2 weeks now since it's Winter Break for the girls. I begged Mohammed to postpone his time off with us and the baby until the girls were home so that he could lend a helping hand when I needed it most. It's been such a big help and I am grateful he had some time to take off and spend with us. We didn't do any of our usual Winter Break outings this year, but we did manage to get out together every once in a while and go shopping or out to eat. Titi Aileen even spent a little one-on-one time with Adam and let the rest of us go out to a movie on Christmas Day (note: go see Bedtime Stories-it's fabulous!). Otherwise, life with a newborn these days definitely moves at a much slower pace, but that is OK with me!

So as we wrap up 2008 and head into 2009, I wish everyone a very healthy and happy New Year and hope that you are all blessed with good friends, family and love all around.
